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Auditions for INHERIT THE WIND

Audition dates and times: June 5 and 6 @ 7 PM

Place: First Central Congregational Church, 421 South 36th Street (Church located on southeast corner of 36th and Harney. Park in lot on southwest corner. Enter door on elevated porch, facing 36th Street.)

Audition format: Readings from the script

Rehearsals begin: Last week of July

Performance dates: Opens September 9, plays 9, 10, 11; 16, 17, 18; 22, 23, 24, 25. Sunday curtains are 2 PM; all others 7:30 PM

Performance location: Same as audition space, historic Memorial Chapel at FCCC and the Labyrinth, on the elevated porch outside the Chapel

Inquiries: or 402-502-4910

ROLES AVAILABLE (Matthew Brady cast, all others available)

Leading: Henry Drummond (the Clarence Darrow character), age-range played 50's on up

Specific supporting as follows:

--1 woman, age-range played 20s (Rachel, the accused's would-be fiance, daughter of preacher)

--1 woman, age-range played 40s-60s (Mrs. Brady)

--3 men, age-range played late 20s-30s (Bertram Cates, the accused; E. K. Hornbeck, big-city reporter; Davenport, assistant prosecuting atty.)

--1 man, 40s on up (Rev. Jeremiah Brown, hard-bitten, hellfire preacher)

Townspeople as main support with some featured:

The townspeople in this play do not function as anonymous extras--they are almost always present, vocal, and spontaneous. Often their reactions and responses drive the scenes. They are all character roles, numerous men and women--self-righteous citizens, opportunistic vendors, jurors, judge, the mayor, photographers, revival participants, Bible salesman---a wonderfully raucous group. Excellent opportunities for experienced actors and newcomers as well--this ensemble is the main support in this play.

ABOUT THE PLAY Jerome Lawrence and Robert Edwin Lee's American classic courtroom drama is a fictionalized account of the infamous "Scopes Monkey Trial" and the events surrounding it. In 1925, in Dayton, Tennessee, high school science teacher John Scopes was arrested for introducing his students to Darwin's theory of evolution, a violation of state law. When activists on both sides of this newly-emerging controversy became aware of the doings in Dayton, two legal giants on opposite sides of the question entered the picture: Clarence Darrow for the defense and William Jennings Bryan for the prosecution. The Baltimore Sun even sent H. L. Mencken to cover the trial. Dayton--and evolution--were on the map.

The play premiered on Broadway in 1955, with Paul Muni and Ed Begley and ran for more than two years. Its many stage revivals have featured the likes of George C. Scott, Charles Durning, Christopher Plummer, Brian Dennehy, and Kevin Spacey. The memorable 1960 screen adaptation starred Spencer Tracy and Fredric March.

BRIGIT SAINT BRIGIT's Production was originally planned for June/July playing dates, but the Theatre moved the run to September after accepting an invitation to partner in FCCC's first annual "Science and Spirituality" symposium. Events in this fall confab will feature prominent scientists and historians in community discussions and exploration of the relationship between reason and imagination--a festival celebrating the flow of reason, art, and spirit!

Specific collateral events TBA.

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