by William Shakespeare, Washington Irving & M.R. James
Sponsored by Gary Nachman & Sheila Fitzgerald
Adapted for performance and Directed by
Murphy Scott Wulfgar (formerly Scott Kurz)
October 29-31, 2021
Rainwood Farm
Join us around the fire for a special, two-night, after-dark, outdoor Halloween engagement featuring campfire re-telling/performances of Shakespeare's Macbeth, Washington Irving's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and M.R. James's The Ash Tree. This new, fall BSB tradition will keep you cozy by the fire with some hot cider all the while sending chills down your spine!
Thou sure and firm-set earth, hear not my steps, which way they walk,
for fear thy very stones prate of my whereabout, and take the present horror from the time…
A simple premise.
What if Macbeth and Banquo never left their encounter with the Witches?
What if what occurs is horrifying payback for the pair's victory on the battlefield over an ally of darkness?
What if the entirety of the play unfolds before our very eyes as we watch two warriors psychologically dismantled by superior, supernatural foes unveiling, in the dead of night, their deepest, darkest inherent desires?